Rolling Module

The rolling module contains compiled rolling functions for pandas DataFrames which function better for our purposes than the built-in pandas rolling functions. The rolling module also contains a rolling multiple regression function that employs parallel processing and numba compiled routines for speed.


finance_byu.rolling.roll_sum(input, win, minp, errors='raise')

Computes the rolling sum for a pandas Series.

input: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

win: int

Length of the moving window

minp: int

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN).

errors: {‘raise’,’return’}

Whether to raise an error and stop running or to return NaN on manageable errors. ‘return’ is suggested for running in a groupby in which there may be some groups which do not have a sufficient number of observations.

output: pandas.core.series.Series

A pandas Series with the rolling sum of input.

finance_byu.rolling.roll_mean(input, win, minp, errors='raise')

Computes the rolling mean of a pandas Series.

input: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

win: int

Length of the moving window

minp: int

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN).

errors: {‘raise’,’return’}

Whether to raise an error and stop running or to return NaN on manageable errors. ‘return’ is suggested for running in a groupby in which there may be some groups which do not have a sufficient number of observations.

output: pandas.core.series.Series

A pandas Series with the rolling mean of input.

finance_byu.rolling.roll_var(input, win, minp, ddof=1, errors='raise')

Computes the rolling variance for a pandas Series.

input: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

win: int

Length of the moving window

minp: int

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN).

ddof: int

Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements.

errors: {‘raise’,’return’}

Whether to raise an error and stop running or to return NaN on manageable errors. ‘return’ is suggested for running in a groupby in which there may be some groups which do not have a sufficient number of observations.

output: pandas.core.series.Series

A pandas Series with the rolling variance of input.

finance_byu.rolling.roll_std(input, win, minp, ddof=1, errors='raise')

Computes the rolling standard deviation for a pandas Series.

input: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

win: int

Length of the moving window

minp: int

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN).

ddof: int

Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements.

errors: {‘raise’,’return’}

Whether to raise an error and stop running or to return NaN on manageable errors. ‘return’ is suggested for running in a groupby in which there may be some groups which do not have a sufficient number of observations.

output: pandas.core.series.Series

A pandas Series with the rolling standard deviation of input.

finance_byu.rolling.roll_cov(x, y, win, minp, ddof=1, idx='x', errors='raise')

Computes the rolling covariance of two pandas series.

x: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

y: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

win: int

Length of the moving window

minp: int

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN).

ddof: int

Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements.

idx: {‘x’,’y’}

Whether to use the index for x or for y for the return series. Defaults to ‘x’.

errors: {‘raise’,’return’}

Whether to raise an error and stop running or to return NaN on manageable errors. ‘return’ is suggested for running in a groupby in which there may be some groups which do not have a sufficient number of observations.

output: pandas.core.series.Series

A pandas Series with the rolling covariance of x and y.

finance_byu.rolling.roll_idio(y, x, win, minp, ddof=1, idx='x', errors='raise')

Computes the rolling idio residual standard deviation from a univariate regression, y = a + bx + e.

y: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

x: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

win: int

Length of the moving window

minp: int

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN).

ddof: int

Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements.

idx: {‘x’,’y’}

Whether to use the index for x or for y for the return series. Defaults to ‘x’.

errors: {‘raise’,’return’}

Whether to raise an error and stop running or to return NaN on manageable errors. ‘return’ is suggested for running in a groupby in which there may be some groups which do not have a sufficient number of observations.

output: pandas.core.series.Series

A pandas Series with the rolling idio residual standard deviation from a univariate regression, y = a + bx + e.

finance_byu.rolling.roll_beta(y, x, win, minp, ddof=1, idx='x', errors='raise')

Computes the rolling estimated slope coefficient (beta) from an univariate regression, y = a + bx + e.

y: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

x: pandas.core.series.Series

This series must have strictly numeric type.

win: int

Length of the moving window

minp: int

Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value (otherwise result is NaN).

ddof: int

Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements.

idx: {‘x’,’y’}

Whether to use the index for x or for y for the return series. Defaults to ‘x’.

errors: {‘raise’,’return’}

Whether to raise an error and stop running or to return NaN on manageable errors. ‘return’ is suggested for running in a groupby in which there may be some groups which do not have a sufficient number of observations.

output: pandas.core.series.Series

A pandas Series with the rolling estimated slope coefficient (beta) from an univariate regression, y = a + bx + e.

finance_byu.rolling.rolling_multiple(data, yvar, xvar, roll, intercept=True, residuals=False, backend='loky', ddof='default', predispatch='all', flagop='nan', append=False)

Rolling multiple regression implementation using pandas groupby for grouping, linear algebra routines compiled with numba for regressions, and joblib for parallelization. Jobs are pre-dispatched to each core for performance.

data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

A dataframe with regressand and regressors for multiple regression. This dataframe must have strictly numeric types.

yvar: str

The name of the regressand variable in data.

xvar: list(str)

A list of the names of the regressor variables in data.

roll: int

The number of observations (rows in data) over which to roll, inclusive of the current row. For example, if roll=120, the rolling regression will include the current observation and the previous 119 observations.

intercept: bool

Whether or not to regress with an intercept.

residuals: {bool,’residvol’}

Whether or not to include residuals in the output dataframe (boolean). If 'residvol' is input, the standard deviation of the residuals from the rolling regression will be output. If True is input, the residual corresponding to the observation will be output.

backend: {‘loky’,’multiprocessing’,’threading’}

The joblib backend to use for parallel processing. ‘loky’ is used by default and is recommended.

ddof: {‘default’,int}

Delta degrees of freedom. Defaults to the number of x variables (including intercept if intercept=True) if set to ‘default’.

predispatch: {‘all’,’auto’}

Whether to pre-dispatch all parallel jobs (recommended for smaller datasets) or to allow joblib to pre-dispatch according to memory (recommended for large datasets).

flagop: {‘nan’,’elim’}

Error handling mechanism. 'nan' returns 'NaN' values when there are insufficient observations (better functionality still in development). 'elim' eliminates groups for which there are insufficient observations. If 'elim' is used, the output dataframe will not have the same length (number of observations) as data.

append: False or list(str)

Whether or not to append other columns of data (must be numeric type for now) to the output DataFrame. Append should be False if no columns should be appended. append should be a list of of the column names of the columns to be appended to the end DataFrame.

A pandas DataFrame which contains rolling regression coefficients and residuals, if specified.

Basic Examples

Below are some basic usage examples without a groupby.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import finance_byu.rolling as rolling
>>> import numpy as np
>>> n_periods = 1.0e2
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((int(n_periods),2))
>>> df = df.rename(columns={0:'ret',1:'exmkt'})
>>> df['roll'] = rolling.roll_mean(df['ret'],5,5)
>>> df.head(10)

        ret     exmkt      roll
0  0.149535  0.644943       NaN
1  0.024654  0.624619       NaN
2  0.083370  0.025087       NaN
3  0.532949  0.736360       NaN
4  0.101531  0.400754  0.178408
5  0.819424  0.215954  0.312386
6  0.419873  0.728983  0.391429
7  0.552381  0.160935  0.485232
8  0.634769  0.743071  0.505596
9  0.730326  0.246545  0.631355

>>> df['rollvar'] = rolling.roll_var(df['ret'],5,5,ddof=1)
>>> df.head(10)

        ret     exmkt      roll   rollvar
0  0.149535  0.644943       NaN       NaN
1  0.024654  0.624619       NaN       NaN
2  0.083370  0.025087       NaN       NaN
3  0.532949  0.736360       NaN       NaN
4  0.101531  0.400754  0.178408  0.041279
5  0.819424  0.215954  0.312386  0.121358
6  0.419873  0.728983  0.391429  0.095739
7  0.552381  0.160935  0.485232  0.067492
8  0.634769  0.743071  0.505596  0.071995
9  0.730326  0.246545  0.631355  0.024035

>>> df = df.drop(['roll','rollvar'],axis=1)
>>> df['rollcov'] = rolling.roll_cov(df['ret'],df['exmkt'],5,5,ddof=1)

        ret     exmkt   rollcov
0  0.149535  0.644943       NaN
1  0.024654  0.624619       NaN
2  0.083370  0.025087       NaN
3  0.532949  0.736360       NaN
4  0.101531  0.400754  0.028305
5  0.819424  0.215954  0.000486
6  0.419873  0.728983  0.023366
7  0.552381  0.160935 -0.020825
8  0.634769  0.743071 -0.013283
9  0.730326  0.246545 -0.024831

Examples with Grouping

Below are some examples for rolling function usage with pandas groupby functionality.

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((100,3)),columns=['a','b','c']).sort_values('a')
>>> df.head(10)

          a         b         c
0  0.000421  0.328225  0.595473
1  0.039568  0.002372  0.223387
2  0.041261  0.826214  0.684885
3  0.059252  0.234307  0.412450
4  0.077423  0.616780  0.027450
5  0.082915  0.489654  0.596222
6  0.090510  0.981726  0.519077
7  0.102022  0.384198  0.939078
8  0.123865  0.475949  0.890815
9  0.159163  0.169004  0.139885

>>> df['ports'] = pd.qcut(df['a'],5,labels=False)
>>> df.head(30)

           a         b         c  ports
0   0.000421  0.328225  0.595473      0
1   0.039568  0.002372  0.223387      0
2   0.041261  0.826214  0.684885      0
3   0.059252  0.234307  0.412450      0
4   0.077423  0.616780  0.027450      0
5   0.082915  0.489654  0.596222      0
6   0.090510  0.981726  0.519077      0
7   0.102022  0.384198  0.939078      0
8   0.123865  0.475949  0.890815      0
9   0.159163  0.169004  0.139885      0
10  0.182324  0.114017  0.098002      0
11  0.184595  0.712363  0.850956      0
12  0.189484  0.482832  0.568143      0
13  0.194572  0.822320  0.471494      0
14  0.200897  0.091733  0.581896      0
15  0.211877  0.613734  0.445444      0
16  0.228115  0.863478  0.928822      0
17  0.229405  0.070245  0.667584      0
18  0.247503  0.816117  0.479351      0
19  0.248632  0.698228  0.028725      0
20  0.250610  0.597579  0.595263      1
21  0.271620  0.112743  0.480844      1
22  0.285232  0.946583  0.227774      1
23  0.287593  0.354288  0.333730      1
24  0.302387  0.145458  0.117342      1
25  0.311219  0.283440  0.828860      1
26  0.312818  0.953281  0.393665      1
27  0.316154  0.113413  0.270970      1
28  0.323806  0.596317  0.951102      1
29  0.354629  0.834722  0.179076      1

>>> df['grouped_rolling_sum'] = df.groupby('ports')['c'].transform(lambda x: rolling.roll_sum(x,5,5))
>>> df.sort_values(['ports','a']).head(10)

          a         b         c  ports  grouped_rolling_sum
0  0.000421  0.328225  0.595473      0                  NaN
1  0.039568  0.002372  0.223387      0                  NaN
2  0.041261  0.826214  0.684885      0                  NaN
3  0.059252  0.234307  0.412450      0                  NaN
4  0.077423  0.616780  0.027450      0             1.943644
5  0.082915  0.489654  0.596222      0             1.944394
6  0.090510  0.981726  0.519077      0             2.240084
7  0.102022  0.384198  0.939078      0             2.494277
8  0.123865  0.475949  0.890815      0             2.972642
9  0.159163  0.169004  0.139885      0             3.085077

>>> df['grouped_rolling_beta'] = df.groupby('ports')[['b','c']].apply(lambda x: rolling.roll_beta(x['b'],x['c'],5,5,ddof=1))
>>> df.head(10)

          a         b  ...  grouped_rolling_sum  grouped_rolling_beta
0  0.000421  0.328225  ...                  NaN                   NaN
1  0.039568  0.002372  ...                  NaN                   NaN
2  0.041261  0.826214  ...                  NaN                   NaN
3  0.059252  0.234307  ...                  NaN                   NaN
4  0.077423  0.616780  ...             1.943644              0.328457
5  0.082915  0.489654  ...             1.944394              0.443657
6  0.090510  0.981726  ...             2.240084              0.269092
7  0.102022  0.384198  ...             2.494277             -0.171534
8  0.123865  0.475949  ...             2.972642             -0.280294
9  0.159163  0.169004  ...             3.085077              0.161115


Below are a few example speed comparisons with the built-in pandas rolling functionality.

>>> %timeit df['rolling_sum'] = df['c'].rolling(5).sum().reset_index(drop=True)
671 µs ± 69.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

>>> %timeit df['rolling_sum'] = rolling.roll_sum(df['c'],5,5)
297 µs ± 10.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

>>> %timeit df['grouped_rolling_sum'] = df.groupby('ports')['c'].rolling(5).sum().reset_index(drop=True)
5.39 ms ± 159 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit df['grouped_rolling_sum'] = df.groupby('ports')['c'].apply(lambda x: rolling.roll_sum(x,5,5))
3.34 ms ± 166 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit df['grouped_rolling_mean'] = df.groupby('ports')['c'].rolling(5).mean().reset_index(drop=True)
5.17 ms ± 190 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit df['grouped_rolling_mean'] = df.groupby('ports')['c'].apply(lambda x: rolling.roll_mean(x,5,5))
3.01 ms ± 386 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Rolling Multiple Regression

Here are a couple examples with random data for the use of the rolling_multiple method.

>>> from finance_byu.rolling import rolling_multiple
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((100,4)))
>>> df.columns = ['y','x1','x2','x3']
>>> coeff = rolling_multiple(df,'y',['x1','x2','x3'],10)
>>> coeff.head(20)

    intercept        x1        x2        x3
0         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
1         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
3         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
4         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
5         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
6         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
7         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
8         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
9    0.252484  0.038459  0.003861  0.490564
10   0.299362 -0.020591  0.145126  0.368189
11   0.323561 -0.067829  0.237643  0.311882
12   0.329602  0.069779  0.266711  0.130818
13   0.786978  0.107650  0.273981 -0.484018
14   0.834109  0.139822  0.256740 -0.543779
15   0.937403  0.302884  0.216420 -0.774488
16   0.288141  0.101312  0.386460  0.005133
17   0.175423 -0.180466  0.646475  0.056263
18   0.012849  0.698391  0.531258  0.187829
19   0.039563  0.795769  0.378595  0.165630

>>> withresiduals = rolling_multiple(df,'y',['x1','x2','x3'],10,residuals=True)
>>> withresiduals.head(20)

    intercept        x1        x2        x3     resid
0         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
1         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
3         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
4         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
5         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
6         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
7         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
8         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
9    0.252484  0.038459  0.003861  0.490564 -0.909839
10   0.299362 -0.020591  0.145126  0.368189 -1.262891
11   0.323561 -0.067829  0.237643  0.311882 -0.926025
12   0.329602  0.069779  0.266711  0.130818 -1.365205
13   0.786978  0.107650  0.273981 -0.484018 -1.027773
14   0.834109  0.139822  0.256740 -0.543779 -1.044181
15   0.937403  0.302884  0.216420 -0.774488 -0.875767
16   0.288141  0.101312  0.386460  0.005133 -1.374425
17   0.175423 -0.180466  0.646475  0.056263 -0.739793
18   0.012849  0.698391  0.531258  0.187829 -0.678277
19   0.039563  0.795769  0.378595  0.165630 -1.312702

>>> df['groups'] = [1 for i in range(33)]+[2 for i in range(33)]+[3 for i in range(34)]
>>> grouped = df.groupby('groups').apply(lambda x: rolling_multiple(x,'y',['x1','x2','x3'],10)).reset_index(drop=True)
>>> grouped.head(50)

    intercept        x1        x2        x3
0         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
1         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
3         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
4         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
5         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
6         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
7         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
8         NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
9    0.188011  0.172650 -0.036465  0.201428
10   0.127681  0.530099 -0.256984  0.447311
11   0.211469  0.585754 -0.356648  0.407959
12   0.309164  0.466337 -0.486869  0.486394
13   0.336976  0.541512 -0.683834  0.616734
14   0.242381  0.762214 -0.718999  0.539597
15   0.534390  0.592484 -0.882821  0.436392
16   0.475962  0.516497 -0.833246  0.695213
17   0.445435  0.300559 -0.683455  0.858445
18   0.424248  0.233874 -0.676784  0.879286
19   0.528965 -0.061176 -0.462627  0.834017
20   0.793513 -0.285642 -0.570421  0.456161
21   0.771210 -0.472012 -0.427634  0.489903
22   0.690572 -0.394875 -0.350176  0.697332
23   0.652243 -0.487154 -0.253501  0.716340
24   0.758479 -0.765630 -0.202638  0.606289
25   0.929314 -0.889273 -0.357062  0.522449
26   0.875805 -0.869253 -0.272132  0.482170
27   0.527850 -0.532585  0.178658  0.156535
28   0.592946 -0.613963  0.239219  0.101630
29   0.670114 -0.794297  0.576524 -0.187906
30   0.580165 -0.608576  0.466616 -0.258936
31   0.517314 -0.609204  0.438855 -0.067928
32   0.370829 -0.338844  0.511657 -0.235225
33        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
34        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
35        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
36        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
37        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
38        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
39        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
40        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
41        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
42   0.952411  0.355941 -0.646408 -0.469534
43   0.993868  0.143298 -0.498905 -0.381196
44   0.921548  0.157348 -0.543432 -0.169947
45   1.023682 -0.092272 -0.521587 -0.093258
46   0.802979 -0.343775 -0.115053  0.043999
47   0.654425 -0.186637 -0.095179  0.112743
48   0.747796 -0.250212 -0.252141  0.067891
49   0.784292 -0.308890 -0.303901  0.072922

>>> df['resid'] = df.groupby('groups').apply(lambda x: rolling_multiple(x,'y',['x1','x2','x3'],10,residuals=True)).reset_index(drop=True)['resid']
>>> df.head(50)

           y        x1        x2        x3  groups     resid
0   0.292707  0.527416  0.352366  0.942830       1       NaN
1   0.009256  0.056392  0.577220  0.316502       1       NaN
2   0.254997  0.303502  0.312090  0.450186       1       NaN
3   0.630078  0.485770  0.652494  0.219974       1       NaN
4   0.806714  0.117059  0.544942  0.752988       1       NaN
5   0.259738  0.332130  0.041728  0.038601       1       NaN
6   0.186582  0.601384  0.903792  0.943630       1       NaN
7   0.058661  0.537003  0.749255  0.333435       1       NaN
8   0.693882  0.829473  0.949468  0.602170       1       NaN
9   0.107025  0.314554  0.881373  0.008589       1 -1.104885
10  0.985555  0.898102  0.889376  0.836676       1 -0.763909
11  0.844293  0.883783  0.097372  0.114230       1 -0.896729
12  0.110527  0.617211  0.714501  0.467282       1 -1.365879
13  0.991384  0.615916  0.331154  0.338925       1 -0.661689
14  0.858861  0.166270  0.221500  0.783701       1 -0.773878
15  0.679131  0.070385  0.024244  0.108567       1 -0.922935
16  0.083172  0.633883  0.981583  0.209229       1 -1.047747
17  0.105980  0.755695  0.346644  0.005208       1 -1.334142
18  0.169534  0.580690  0.323765  0.146509       1 -1.300227
19  0.602168  0.027302  0.991393  0.273679       1 -0.694735
20  0.824959  0.517080  0.378158  0.273586       1 -0.729945
21  0.284846  0.843899  0.496191  0.116380       1 -0.932860
22  0.808722  0.096899  0.268888  0.228202       1 -0.908562
23  0.885483  0.522229  0.584660  0.652320       1 -0.831425
24  0.020493  0.806937  0.321778  0.547365       1 -1.386828
25  0.127404  0.705129  0.991105  0.478141       1 -1.070777
26  0.296545  0.565533  0.330202  0.286323       1 -1.135866
27  0.022179  0.223031  0.029895  0.350958       1 -1.447167
28  0.971971  0.092243  0.829478  0.411799       1 -0.804620
29  0.732190  0.646287  0.889335  0.333274       1 -0.874680
30  0.412803  0.168067  0.896444  0.563714       1 -1.337410
31  0.162741  0.939633  0.546790  0.941365       1 -0.958161
32  0.325315  0.259795  0.818819  0.846654       1 -1.177284
33  0.154722  0.702591  0.791131  0.961928       2       NaN
34  0.491407  0.518855  0.231681  0.955700       2       NaN
35  0.159072  0.036437  0.620747  0.555733       2       NaN
36  0.891759  0.617571  0.187414  0.401648       2       NaN
37  0.481304  0.750031  0.900041  0.354723       2       NaN
38  0.669076  0.110193  0.764837  0.087526       2       NaN
39  0.522653  0.313408  0.491214  0.584310       2       NaN
40  0.576749  0.762469  0.646008  0.033188       2       NaN
41  0.755683  0.401390  0.045780  0.468417       2       NaN
42  0.939899  0.806682  0.387371  0.694695       2 -0.723060
43  0.921698  0.033224  0.613996  0.359314       2 -0.633637
44  0.365582  0.376107  0.799801  0.158204       2 -1.153621
45  0.401404  0.592845  0.700801  0.967785       2 -1.111793
46  0.225042  0.907086  0.020412  0.483045       2 -1.285008
47  0.325359  0.003486  0.641433  0.148209       2 -1.284073
48  0.239367  0.753501  0.730812  0.733136       2 -1.185399
49  0.221450  0.631365  0.604590  0.536159       2 -1.223183

Rolling Multiple Regression Speed

Here are some timings for the rolling_multiple method.

Scaling with number of observations

>>> def produce_data(nobs,nx):
>>>     return pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((nobs,nx+1)))

>>> df = produce_data(100,3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],10)
24.2 ms ± 440 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(1000,3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],120)
184 ms ± 1.53 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],120)
2.04 s ± 21.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e5),3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],120,predispatch='auto')
18.9 s ± 200 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e6),3)
>>> %timeit -r2 -n1 rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],120,predispatch='auto')
3min 10s ± 3.18 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 2 runs, 1 loop each)

Scaling with number of regressors

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],120)
1.94 s ± 31.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),20)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[i for i in range(1,21)],120)
2.31 s ± 24.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),100)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[i for i in range(1,101)],120)
5.71 s ± 1.25 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Scaling with window size

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],10)
1.82 s ± 31.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],50)
1.88 s ± 28.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],100)
1.91 s ± 18.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

>>> df = produce_data(int(1.0e4),3)
>>> %timeit rolling_multiple(df,0,[1,2,3],500)
2.01 s ± 28.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)